Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 19

Mixed Emotions . . .

The day started with high expectations. This was the DAY!

The day started with more oiling but I quickly progressed to the electrics. First things first and I completed my pickups and had to fry them . . .

Deep fried pickups! (I have no idea why we do this, but yes, that’s a deep fat fryer!)

Electrics - I had a 'Dan's Plan', as did everyone. I had only a basic idea of how the electrics work in turning movement of strings to sound, and now I know just a little more . . .

Now, where do those wires go?

Erics continued working his 'nut' and it worked out pretty well . . .

Eric did his wiring . . .

Erics bass actually works!

Birth of first guitars off the production line . . .

Mine looks finished but I still have four outstanding tasks to complete . . .

In the early evening sun we had a photo opportunity in the plaza at San Ferran. Some folks took it pretty seriously  . . .

A shower and then dinner at La Tortuga. Great meal and lots of Priorat and Hierbas, Hierbas, Mas Hierbas . . . . .

Aioli. Isn’t that the outside of a nipple? Anyway, its great with bread, and we have had some stunning stuff, every day as a little 'pre-starter' . .  Must be the local garlic that makes it so good . . .
Once again I was asked for the lyrics to 'The Hierbas Blues' but I can't remember them without the sacred fluid. There is a tiny moment of lucidity when I can remember, but that passes fast  . . .

Late night drinking . . .

We watched and listened to Chimichurri again. Jose 'Ray Vaughan' is a machine! Two performances, one in the plaza and one in the ‘Irish”! And he was at work in the kitchen of the El Mocambo this morning when I arrived. I got to bed at 3.30am and he was still playing!!! Hail, hail Rock ‘n Roll . . . .

Gotta finish today, PLEASE . . . .
