Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 2

It is bloody hot here. Its pretty good in the morning. We start at 10.30 depending on state of collective hangovers, and stop for lunch at 2pm. Lunch lasts until 6pm (I guess you can work out what happens during that time . . .) and then we work from 6pm to 10pm before a bit more R&R. Its hottest in the evening as this little old workshop doesnt have much ventilation, so you need to cool down with a few ice cold libations . . .

Of course, we had to record the location of our workshop for posterity, as we might not recognise it with a hangover . . .

Photo of the 'wood library' from Day 1 when we selected woods that had been air dried for 6 years plus . .

Anyway - Day 2 was all about making the wood look a little like the guitar bodies we had envisaged . . .

A summary of my day follows . . .

Well, at least it has the basic shape ok . . . Now for the violin shaping . . .  Seems I have chosen a tricky design !

Eric's bass is developing well too . . . .

Oh well, finish the coffee and cognac breakfast and off to Day 3 now . . . .

There is a lot of sanding required, generating a cloud that puts Iceland's pathetic attempt to shame. We feel like 19th century coal miners and I might as well start smoking again . . .

Hasta Manana!